Sunday, January 24, 2010

Habits/Discipline/ & Haiti

The past several weeks I've been paying attention to my habits... my lazy habits. These habits tend to form because a lot of the time I opt to ignore time management. Often I mentally slap myself on the wrist for this. I've been paying attention to these habits so I can mend them better. I needed to pay attention to the amount of time I really have day to day. Some days are much longer than others.

I'm pretty sure I've found a good middle for me in keeping sane & maintaing all the things I need to do.

Aside from that, 2010 has provided to be a good year. I'm still fasting, which has been really great. There is so much I'm excited about for 2010!!! I feel lead to continue my fast into February. This will be four week of discipline and structure.

The earthquake in Haiti leaves my heart broken and just seeing the bits and pieces I have on the news leaves me speechless. When I heard about the earthquake I had thought of my professor who has family in Haiti. In class that week he held onto his phone for dear life and taught with the phone never leaving his clenched fist. Later in the week he heard from this family, who are all okay and well. My family has donated money through Joyce Meyer's ministry who has been there prior to the earthquake.

This week Anne Jackson wrote a blog about her traveling to Haiti. Please keep her, and all the others who have traveled to assist, in your prayers and thoughts.


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