Tuesday, April 21, 2009


hi, hey, hola, bonjour, shalom, salam, etc.

For awhile now I've mentioned to friends that I'll resume my blogging, mostly since I haven't actively participated in the blogging world since the beginning of university. Since then, I haven't had the time/have been too lazy to make the time to participate. This is a great way for me to keep in touch with friends and potentially make new ones (that never hurts, does it?).

So for those who will be reading this often, glad that we are keeping up with one another's lives better! & for those of you who have stumbled upon this and decided to go back to reading my first entry... WELCOME.

Another reason for wanting to get back into the blogging world is to keep up with the rest of the world. My life is this bubble, it seems, that consists of university students that I am around each and every day... so I only get to hear about how good Lady Gaga looked in the latest photo shoot, what bags are the hottest ones to buy, whether someone is just too scene/not scene enough, how people just don't understand what life is really like, and all the other tid bits university students have to say (my absolute favourite is how they are trying not to rely on their parents... yet their parents pay their rent/utilities every month). I am a student, but I work full time and take grad classes part time. I help people my age and older everyday and I'm surrounded by coworkers who have children my age... sometimes it's hard to find a good middle of acting my age and not feeling so old!

I just turned 24 yesterday... I feel like the oldest 24 year old!

that's enough for now.



  1. I have to confess to a shameful crush on Lady Gaga, even if she does have a stupid name...

  2. OMG, me too.
    I'm still debating on getting her album :x
    the songs are too catchy.
