Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm leaving on a jet plane, but I do know when I'll be back again.

So, this time next week I'll be in Glasgow, Scotland. 

I've thought about things I'd like to pack, but haven't had the thought stick around long enough to truly think it through.  But when it crossed my mind this morning I thought, "I remember when I went to [place] I couldn't leave without... "  which made me wonder:

What do you always have to take with you on trips? (whether it's a road trip or flight)
If you have kids, what can't they leave without?

I remember when I was a kid and we did road trips I'd pack what seemed like my bedroom into 3 book bags (I'm not sure why I had three).  But then I remember when I got this huge Adidas bag for all my twirling competitions, so I'd then had that AND those book bags.  I've definitely learned how to go without since then. 

So, what's your essential thing(s) for when you go away?!

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