Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Decade Already? 2006!

2006 was a blur.

I got to meet the 'man of my dreams' who could make me 'zee appiest girl in zee world'. (the H is missing on purpose). He wasn't the man of my dreams. He provided me with great moments to retell to my friends, which ended in sore guts from laughing SO HARD. He had not only left a lasting impression on my life, but some of my friends as well.

I took my painful geology course and packed my bags for leave for France.

I toured all of Normandy and had the most beautiful vacations in Deauville and Honfleur. Those places hold special places in my heart. I traveled throughout the south of France as well and fell in love! I fell in love with Moroccan food... and other foods I never imagined myself eating.

I had a shady trip to Brussels that lead us to always getting lost in the wrong part of time and being the only women unaccompanied in the evenings. We also learned that Brussels doesn't seem to have much of a night life... we were so spoiled by dancing the nights away and watching the sun rise over the Seine.

I went to Ireland and drank the freshest and most delicious Guinness.

I went to Glasgow and met Last Year's Girl and Jay Stringer. Jay told me all about Irn Bru and I've repeated that same information plenty of times to explain my love for a foreign soda. (I'm not much of a soda drinker.. or anything carbonated for that matter).

I went back to the homeland and just walked around.. no agenda. Just taking in everything Catalan.

My host family bought a pumpkin and wanted me to carve it for them... it was the first time I had ever carved a pumpkin! I tutored kids in English and taught the kids on my street how to play Monkey in the Middle. I also spent a lot of time studying in Starbucks because with six kids who play instruments, kick balls, and make sound effects of all kinds while playing with toys you kind of need to study at Starbucks. There was never a dull moment in the house, but sometimes the escape did me good.

I came back to America and was depressed. The depression didn't last too long, as I needed to dive into finishing my thesis!

I listened to a lot of different stuff Lucero, Marah, CSS, Damien Rice, Leigh Nash, Animal Collective, Badly Drawn Boy.. oh the list goes on!

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