Monday, September 7, 2009

My Transatlantic BFF

My Transatlantic BFF came to visit for a few days! It served as a great holiday that really tuckered my out in the end.

Her first American meal was at Cheesecake Factory, where she was served the biggest burger she's ever seen; however, it crossed her Cardinal Rule of Food by having some sort of mayo/sauce thing on the middle bun slice. She sure did eat a lot of it though and ordered a chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake (which I heard was pretty good to eat for breakfast).

Princeton, New Jersey served as our next location for adventure. We took a two hour tour or so on our way there, my Ima wanted to make sure to show her all the historical marks that created the birth place of America. (Side note: It was pretty amusing at times to see her slightly flinch when a large truck or something was coming on the other side of the road). Once we got to Princeton we had lunch at Panera's and then scoured Princeton Record Exchange for some goodies. L-M was so loved there that they didn't even charge her for a t-shirt or tote bag!
As we ventured away from PREX we stopped in Starbucks for her to try a Pumpkin Spice Latte (WIN!) and we passed by Paper Source drooling about what we could get our hands on. J.Crew was another place we went where I drooled because I watch items on the web site like I'm betting on them via Ebay... it's kinda sad. Anyways, we hit up Paper Source after J.Crew because we didn't have our drinks and they would have been in the way anyways, considering we spent a pretty penny in that place.

A highlight of the evening was our desert/dinner at The Bent Spoon!!

There was a proper tour of Philadephia as well: a cheese steak at Pat's, a walk through the Italian Market (not an official tour, just a walk), a walk onto South Street, a walk throughout Society Hill, which then lead to theLiberty Bell & National Constitution Center.

After being productive and doing historical things, we finally hit up Sephora & Anthropology. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to give details of either events!

In between all of this we laughed, we saw people we never expected to see, and caught up with about 3 years of life. I really enjoyed having a genuine friend around because, let's face it, you don't find them all too often. I cried when leaving her at the airport, but I was also excited for her as she continued her American adventures with One Great City!!!

And I can now start counting down the days (22) till my next holiday to my stateside homeland (New Mexico) to visit my tia. Unfortunately, my mind will be all sorts of confused because I will be in French State of Mind, while I normally speak Catalan with those who share my blood, and they don't speak my kind'a Spanish there!

my eyeballs are ready to shut on their own now... hope everyone has a great week :)


1 comment:

  1. Glad she behaved herself ;)

    I would say something smartass in Catalan, but I speak castellaƱo and the only word I have is for ATM.

    Lola x
